FZ East Grad Walk! What a blast and so proud of all of our Fort Zumwalt East graduates!!!
8 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
FZ East Grade Walk
FZ East Grad Walk
The annual FZ Art Show is open 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the Professional Development Center today and tomorrow, and from 9 a.m. - Noon on Friday.
9 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Art show poster featuring high school mascots
Happy Mother's Day to all of our Panther Cub moms!!!! We hope your day is filled with lots of love! 💛💚🖤🐾
9 months ago, Erin Gruntman
⚠️ Due to the forecast of severe weather, all afterschool and evening events will be canceled today, May 8, 2024, in the Fort Zumwalt School District.
9 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
FZSD Alert
Last call for Kona Ice Day! We will be having Kona Ice here for students and staff on Friday, May 10th. If you are interested in purchasing a Kona Ice Cup for your child, please use this pre-pay link by tonight at 10:00 PM: https://customer.kona-ice.com/#/K6832813183. More information can be found in our school newsletter.
9 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
Don't forget to complete our Leader In Me Family Survey through this link: https://www.leaderinme.com/s/st-peters-elementary/families. This information will help us as we plan for next school year! Thank you!
9 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
Staff Appreciation Week starts tomorrow! We can't wait to celebrate the amazing staff at St. Peters! Click here to see how you and your child(ren) can help make this week special: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dZh8Q0w70vZBWCjZefqVA5WcXYu3ez2a/view?usp=sharing
9 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
How do you grow graduates interested in STEM? You start by showing little learners all the things STEM can be. At St. Peters Elementary, Science Day was a school-wide hands-on exploration, including activities led by visiting teachers from DuBray Middle and East High. There was even a “lab” with East High’s Project Lead The Way fourth-year Biomedical students. Each year, East High teacher Carrie Stowers and her students work to connect with the community. This year that meant inspiring future explorers by using simple items from the kitchen (and some super-cool goggles) to illustrate how compounds react to each other. #FZCommunity #FZEquipToExcel
9 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
With her goggles on, a student listens intently to the high schooler leading the science lab
Goggles secured, a student watches as the chemical reaction between citric acid and baking soda bubbles up on a lemon slice
A high school students smiles wide as she sees the excitement in the elementary students
High school students explain the process as goggled elementary students wait for the final component of the experiment
Don't forget, tomorrow night we have our annual Fine Arts Fair and Diversity Night from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at St. Peters/Lewis & Clark. Also, our book fair will be open!!! Need more information? Click the link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1USfZ5Rx4MISjEPVHpwDcT4ufZb2fZANA/view?usp=drive_link
9 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
SPE Science/STEAM Day was a blast! Thank you to our PTC for helping provide materials! Also, huge thanks to our presenters from EHS (students and staff), parent volunteers, as well as staff from DMS and WHS!
10 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
SPE Science/STEM
Our Better Together Club was up and moving early Saturday morning at the Fun Run to benefit the FZ Grow Your Own Teacher Foundation. Congratulations to all of the participants and sponsors!
10 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
Fun Run
Fun Run
Fun Run
Fun Run
FZ District STEM Night was a BLAST! Great job to our Panther Cubs and all of their hard work! Also, to our former Panther Cubs, now excellent Trailblazers, for getting 1st place in the 3rd grade group!! WHOO!!! #OnceaPantherCubAlwaysOne
10 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
STEM Night
STEM Night
STEM Night
Eclipse Day 2024! SPE had a blast celebrating this unique event last Monday!
10 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
Solar Eclipse Day
Solar Eclipse Day
Our SPE/LCE PTC Meeting is canceled for this evening and will be held on Tuesday, April 23rd at 6:00 PM. Thank you!
10 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
STL Cardinal Day tomorrow! Don't forget to wear your RED or STL Cardinal gear!
10 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
Good morning! Today is Election Day. Polls are open until 7 p.m. Teachers are in Professional Development. Students are off.
10 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Election Day: Students are off. Teachers in Professional Development. Polls open til 7 pm
Tomorrow is International Day of Happiness! We will be celebrating by having students participate in a GLOW party! Have your Panther Cub wear white or light colors! We will also be doing some activities outside so please have your Panther Cub dress for the weather.
11 months ago, St. Peters Elementary
There’s lots of reasons to get to school, but being a part of the Pig Races is tops on the list at Lewis & Clark Elementary. Each month classes work to meet, or beat, their attendance goals and earn a spot in the Trailblazer Pig Races. Winner gets the best prize of all: Bragging rights for one month. Did you know that a student who is in school 90 percent of a school year missed about 17 days of growing? Just being at school helps students develop relationships and grow academically. #FZEquipToExcel
11 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Students eagerly watch as principal releases robotic pigs at the races
Principal lifts the winning pig as the winning class erupts in cheers
⚠️UPDATE Evening events are canceled in Fort Zumwalt for March 13, 2024, due to the inclement weather forecast. Thank you and be safe.
11 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District
Alert: Evening activities canceled
Get ready for next Wednesday! go.FZSD.us/Kindergarten https://youtube.com/shorts/P0yS6LhUqLM?feature=share
11 months ago, Fort Zumwalt School District