SPE Principal's Corner - Dr. Gruntman

SPE Principal's Corner - April 2023

Hello April! Hello Spring! The onset of a new season also brings more activities that tend to occupy our evenings. As your calendar fills in the upcoming months, be sure to set time aside for your “Big Rocks.” Big rocks should include spending time together as a family by reading a book, playing catch, or even going for a walk with your child. 

Events to look forward to this month: 

SPE/LCE Trivia Night: Due to unforeseen issues circumstances we will be canceling the Trivia Night that was scheduled for April 13. We appreciate everyone who has donated or assisted in planning this event and we cannot wait until we can make this happen next year! For anyone who has purchased tables or sponsorship, PTC will be sending back a full refund.

Eclipse Day: On April 8, 2024 the O’Fallon/St. Peters area will be in the path of a partial solar eclipse. Check the district’s eclipse website for information about the eclipse (safety, lessons, FAQs, resources, and general information). All students must have a permission slip filled out and returned to participate in this event. Students who will not participate in this event will get to view the eclipse online in our large gym during the time their class is outside. If you need more information, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Thank you! 

SPE STEAM/Science day: On Friday, April 26, SPE will be hosting our annual science day full of exciting experiments and time to explore science concepts. This year we will not only be inviting middle and high school science teachers to help support the day, but also some of our very own East High students to help our Panther Cubs embrace a love for all things science. We will be asking for volunteers soon, so be on the lookout if you are interested in volunteering to help make this day awesome! 

SPE Fine Arts/Diversity Night: Save the date for Tuesday, April 30!  SPE will be hosting our Fine Arts Fair and Diversity Night. Come join the fun by looking at our Panther Cubs’ beautiful artwork along with learning about different cultures within our community. More information to come soon. 

More Important Upcoming Dates: 

There are several upcoming events. Mark your calendars now, and keep watching our website and app for more information.

4/8: Solar Eclipse Day

4/15: PTC Meeting, 6 PM

4/17: District STEM Night

4/17: Early Release Day, 1:30 PM

4/26: SPE STEAM/ Science Day

4/30: 4th Quarter MidPoint

4/30: Fine Arts Fair & SPE Diversity Night

Leader in Me Yearly Goals: 

Remember our yearly goals, listed below. Our Panther Cubs are working hard to achieve both of these by May 2024! Remember that research shows that when students are at school consistently, they are more likely to succeed in academics. As we head into this month, please join us in helping reach both of our school goals by having your student(s) at school each day they can be here.

Wildly Important Goal (WIG) 

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, 80% of our students will meet their individual reading goal set at the beginning of the year as measured by the district reading screener. 

Pretty Important Goal (PIG): 

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we will reach our goal of 95% daily average attendance. 

Prepping for NEXT school year: 

Yes, it is that time. Can you believe it? We are starting to prepare for next school year and one of the things we do is begin our process for class placement. At this time, we would like to gather some feedback from you to help us with these decisions. We do not accept teacher requests, however, we do accept other feedback and characteristics of a teacher that you feel would be best for your child. Please complete the form below if you would like to provide us that feedback by Friday, April 19. 

Class Placement Form 

Also, our school is conducting a survey to learn more about key areas of strength and areas of needed growth in our school. In order for us to have a holistic picture of what is going on in our school, we are asking all full-time staff members and parents/guardians to participate. 

Families can find the link to the survey in my emailed copy of this note.

We hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy time with family and friends over the break and refill our buckets to end the year strong!

Embrace the Challenge, 

Dr. Erin Gruntman